Development of solutions & guidance in implementation

Among the missions entrusted to it, the ICEDD is regularly asked to help public authorities or private companies with the deployment of solutions and methodological solutions in particular.

In this respect, the ICEDD works, sometimes in co-development with the sponsor, on the development of the methodology, whether on the basis of available and recognised standards (e.g. ISO 50001), or by coming up with a new approach from scratch, such as for example the development of the “Exemplary Buildings” methodology specifically created for Wallonia.

After this preparation phase, the ICEDD supports the implementation of the method, in all its aspects: establishment of guidelines, creation of monitoring indicators, provision of tools (IT in particular), support for specialised training, reporting mechanism, monitoring committees, etc.

The ICEDD also provides day-to-day support to users of these tools and methods, at the service of its client: in this respect, it not only acts as the guarantor of the solution, but also as a facilitator. A particular example of this is the Brussels PLAGE (Local Action Plan for Energy Management), where the ICEDD has supported the selected institutions as closely as possible, in their integration of the methodology previously co-developed with Brussels Environment.

These missions are typically long-term missions and therefore a real partnership is built over time with the client and any partners.

Our references