Our other services in
guidance with the transition
Mobility and parking study
Mobility management is at the heart of territorial, environmental and economic issues. This central position gives it a complexity that is reflected in the diversity of modes of transport and the multitude of stakeholders involved.
The ICEDD, which has been active for many years in this area and that of land-use planning, positions itself as a consulting and change management agency. It has extensive technical and participative experience aimed at bringing multiple stakeholders around the table and proposing technically and financially feasible solutions.
The ICEDD has the capacity to work at different levels: at the European, national or regional level (evaluation of mobility policy, cycling network, etc.), at the municipal level (municipal mobility plans) and at the local level (pedestrian map, signage, etc.). It offers its services both to public institutions and to private companies. Its expertise, which is supplemented by observations in the field and exchanges with the stakeholders concerned, enables it to provide its customers with a summary of the issues and concrete proposals that constitute tools to support decision-making.
The themes covered are varied:
- Accessibility
- Road traffic
- Pedestrian mobility
- Bicycle mobility
- Public transport
- Goods transport
- Signage
- Parking
- Planning of public spaces
- Company travel plan
- Mapping and illustration