Exhibition on cycling and the Namur greenway
It is a well-known fact that cycling is making a strong comeback in the country’s city centres. In Namur, many projects are part of this development in favour of soft forms of transport, including, in particular, the implementation of the urban greenway between Namur and Jambes. With a view to providing information and communication to local residents, the City of Namur has decided to organise an exhibition on cycling.
Source : ICEDD
The objectives of this exhibition were to present in an illustrated and instructive way:
- The existing infrastructure for bicycles;
- The urban greenway project between Namur and Jambes;
- Statistics on the use of bicycles at certain strategic points in Namur;
- Events and awareness campaigns on cycling.
As part of this study, ICEDD:
- Supported the City of Namur in the choice of contents for the exhibition;
- Produced all the infographics and maps illustrating the existing and planned infrastructures;
- Designed the layout of the exhibition panels.