ISO50001 guidance

Today, the issue of controlling energy consumption is becoming increasingly important for companies. The challenges are of course economic and environmental, but they are also now regulatory (and will increasingly be so in the future). Indeed, regardless of the level of power concerned (federal, regional, European, etc.), the requirement for the control of consumption and for reporting in this area will become increasingly significant (whether in relation to the mandatory Local Action Plan for Energy Management in Brussels, PLAGE, now in effect, or the energy metering obligations linked to certain support policies in Wallonia).

ISO 50001 is definitely one of the right solutions to these issues. The system that it offers combines both great rigour in the approach to be implemented with a great deal of room for manoeuvre for the company as regards how it intends to respond to these energy challenges.

With its extensive experience in auditing, coaching (PLAGE and others) and also in supporting industries, the ICEDD is the right partner to support you in achieving ISO 50001 certification for your company!

Find out about our service offering below…

In the case of comprehensive support, we carry out an initial inventory phase, on the basis of which we draw up with you the details of the system to be deployed until certification.

  • Overall analysis of your degree of maturity in Energy Management
  • Detailed inventory of the existing state of affairs with a view to the provision of ISO 50001 support (documents, procedures, stakeholders in place)
  • Definition of the scope of certification
  • Co-development of the energy flow matrix
  • Training of the stakeholders:
    • Introduction to and raising of awareness of ISO 50001 and of energy management for Eco Team members
    • Training of internal auditors
    • Raising of staff awareness
  • Preparation for the certification audit:
    • Setting up of non-technical aspects (setting up of the Eco Team, training & awareness-raising, documentation, internal audits, communication, methodology, etc.)
    • Support for internal audits
    • Setting up of technical aspects (energy flow matrix, energy metering, energy audit, action plan, energy performance indicators, etc.)
  • Support during the certification audit
  • Ad hoc, “on request” support on a particular point in the standard or specific points in the certification process


Our references