Review of Poland reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides the foundation for intergovernmental action to combat climate change. To achieve the objective of the Convention, Parties need reliable, transparent and comprehensive information on GHG emissions, climate actions and support. Under the Convention, all Parties are obliged to communicate to the Conference of the Parties (COP) information relevant to the implementation of the Convention. Over the past two decades, the arrangements for national reporting of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol have evolved into a more comprehensive measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) framework. National communications (NCs) and biennal report (BR) are two of the most important pieces of this framework.
The in-depth reviews of national communications (NCs) are conducted by an international team of experts, coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat. The review of each NC typically involves a desk-based study and an in-country visit, and aims to provide a comprehensive, technical assessment of a Party’s implementation of its commitments. The in-depth review results in an in-depth review report, which typically expands on and updates the NC.

Source : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The in-depth review reports aim to facilitate the work of the COP in assessing the implementation of commitments by the Convention’s Parties. It also allows easier comparison of information between NCs of Parties.
As outlined in annex II of decision 2/CP.17, the IAR process includes a technical review of BRs, where relevant, in conjunction with the annual GHG inventories, and NCs of developed country Parties, which will result in an individual review report for each developed country Party. The technical reviews are conducted by an international team of experts from Annex I and non-Annex I Parties, selected from the Roster of Experts. Marco Orsini participated as Policy and Measures expert to the review of seventh national communications and third biennal report of Poland.