Validation of water data from the integrated environment survey
Since 1995, the Walloon Region has been committed to a strategy for an integrated approach to environmental assessment in order to monitor potentially more-polluting Walloon establishments.
In this integrated approach, the data collected in the water component consist of general information about each discharge point of the company and the quantities of substances released into the water. The company must also indicate how emissions have been quantified (by estimation, measurement or calculation) and whether the discharges are direct or indirect.

This project consists of validating the water discharge data collected by the Walloon Region in the integrated environmental survey used, in particular, for the European reporting of so-called E-PRTR companies. It includes:
- The validation of historical data (2007-2016);
- The validation of the last year of collection (2017 data).
As part of this mission, ICEDD:
- Consolidated and completed the data using the information contained in the files attached to the forms by declarants and by completing the survey data using other data available elsewhere;
- Proposed and applied a data validation methodology that made it possible to detect outliers in both time series and new reporting years and to correct them and document the changes made.