Scientific support and guidance for the Energy Notification and Certification Procedure for existing residential buildings
The Walloon Region has implemented the energy certification procedure which has been mandatory since 2011 in the event of the sale or rental of an existing residential building. In addition, it has also implemented the PAE2 audit which, since 2013, has made it possible, on a voluntary basis, to carry out complete and detailed energy audits of existing residential buildings.

- Develop and keep up to date calculation methods, certification and audit software as well as reference documents such as the data collection protocol and training materials;
- Provide guidance for certifiers and auditors through hotlines and responses to e-mail enquiries;
- Communicate about developments and innovations through newsletters, seminars and on-going training.
ICEDD ensures the overall management of the mission and acts as the technical expert for all “systems” aspects (heating, domestic hot water and use of renewable energy).