Rational Use of Energy (URE) tertiary facilitator


In order to support the non-residential sector and the public authorities in their efforts to achieve energy efficiency and to integrate renewable energies, DGO4 set up a network of energy facilitators who are responsible, according to needs, for:

  • Analysing the energy situation of your organisation;
  • Supporting the selection of the most appropriate technologies;
  • Organising targeted training courses;
  • Reviewing the specifications with the project sponsors and comparing the price offers;
  • Providing information on existing energy regulations and financial support.
Titre de la référence

Source : SPW


The objective of the tertiary facilitator is to encourage the design and construction of energy-efficient, comfortable and sustainable tertiary buildings or to optimise existing buildings along these lines by means of:

  • Methodological support;
  • Critical reviews of projects and specifications;
  • Energy pre-checks or mini audits;
  • Information on the best technologies and how they work;
  • Identification of financial support;
  • Answers to all technical questions and information relating to energy.


ICEDD is the historical partner for this mission, with periodic support from UNIPSO.

Our references